Friday 22 July 2011

Nuns and Sleeper trains

We are actually already in our third destination, Bratislava, my how time flies!

But let's start at the beginning in Prague.
First of all I was delighted to discover that Prague has a nearly-free metro system! Yay for ignorant tourists like me! No barriers, no ticket inspectors (well, nearly none), so I just made my merry way around. :)

The language was rather a challenge though, gosh I have never had such trouble pronouncing words!
Thank you was = neshledanou.  However that is said.
However, conveniently greetings were a little more familiar, hello being 'ahoy' and goodbye 'ciao'! (ok those are my spellings but still).
Below is the famous astronomical clock and some of the buildings in the main square in the Old Town:

After doing a free tour of the sights, we happily sought out a cinema to get our Harry Potter no 7 part 2 fix, so exciting! After our well needed rest off our feet (FYI, touristing= a LOT of walking!) we ambled over to the famous Charles Bridge for a night time view of Prague castle lit up, where I attempted to take some photos with the correct settings, although failing somewhat but I am making progress!  Here is the castle:

It must also be said that the weather so far had been glorious! Until then. Doh! It rained and poured, but fortunately we made it back our home reasonably dry by running in the right moments haha.

Sunday was spent doing another walking tour around the Castle, I have to say there are some very knowledgable tour guides out there!

Our first sleeper train  was in the evening, to our next stop, Krakow.

Has anybody ever been on a sleeper train? Not for the faint hearted.  Reminiscent of sardines.
But we found it comical nonetheless, until we couldn't sleep haha, but am I glad I brought my eye mask and ear plugs!!

Accommodation in Krakow was a Convent.  I kid you not!  Sister Bernarda greeted us, in polish and german no less.  We quickly learnt that the Poles were rather less anglicised than the Czechs, but fortunately Gill and I speak French so we conversed in French with Bernarda.  I even had to make use of my very broken German whilst buying a train ticket, that was interesting!

Our rooms were in a little house at the back of a garden, basic but everything we needed, even little model Jesus' and Marys for good measure :)

Day one in Krakow, another free tour! (why pay?!)
Day two - Gill was getting a little twitchy due to lack of green space, so off we went on a 3 and a half hour train trip to the Tatra mountain range, specifically, Zakopane.

A trip on the funicular up the mountain and toboggan ride down (amazing!) we headed back to make it back to the convent before our 9.30 curfew, however, there was a three hour dellllaaaayyyyyyy ugh.  We had to ring them to ask them to stay up to let us in, thank God for 3G Kindles with access to emails to we could get the phone number! I love modern technology.  When it works haha.
Here are some mountains and the awesome toboggan:

Day three we went to Auschwitz and Birkenau, the infamous concentration and death camps used during the second world war.  This was a rather sobering trip but very worth it none the less.
This is a picture of the bunks where people had to sleep, I suddenly became very grateful for my sleeper train cabin.

I'll leave y'all on the amusing note that the first thing I ate in Prague was a sandwich the label of which I could read so it was all a bit of guess work what it was, however after finishing it I saw the english at the top saying 'fresh crocadille sandwich' eeeeeeeek let's hope it wasn't anyway!!!

 Until next time guys :)


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