Monday, 1 August 2011

Funny story

Our first day in Romania.

Train journey- Budapest to Oradea, Romania.  We are relaxed and enjoying ourselves, particularly the sight of the real live 'fat controller', an intimidating passport control office with a pistol and brown leather satchel that looks like it's been taken from a world war 2 film, and real live gypsies, actually wearing headscarves (I didn't think they actually wore them! lol).

Great start, we miss our stop.  We are just sitting there on our train, whilst it is at a station for about 15 minutes, waiting for it to carry on, as there is another hour left in our journey time.

However as we pull off and I see our station name glide by, we realise we have just been very silly!  Time zone. The time is. one. hour. forward. gah! We did not even check which station we were at, what a rookie error.

We frantically communicate our predicament to train staff who advise us the next stop is only half an hour away, where we should get off and get a train going back the other way.  Fine, phew, no problem.
When the train  comes to a stop we can see a building but no platform, so curiously press the 'door open' button, to find it actually does open, onto the rails!

I really have been spoilt with all this platform malarky haven't I?

We hesitantly make our way across some concrete in the middle of the railway and head towards the building by the side.

The conductor, unsurprisingly, finds us particularly amusing.

We quickly realise again, that we are in the middle of nowhere....  Basically tumbleweed country.  Not a soul to be seen, except the odd gypsy going on a leisurely stroll down the railway lines, as you do.

Here are some photos and a video for your amusement:

I ask Gill, 'do you think we have to flag down the train like a bus?'  She assures me we won't have to, although not with a lot of confidence.

We do eventually board the train that comes (10 minutes late at that, but I suppose we should not be complaining).  We confidently provide our interail passes to the ticket inspector as he does the rounds, who returns them with a shake of the head, saying, ' No no, this private train'.


Ok fine, so we'll pay for our tickets then, whatever.

Do I have Romanian Lei on me? No.  Does Gill ? No.  I blame Sainsburys! And M&S! (they didn't have any if you're wondering why haha).

'Ok, you pay 2 Euros'.

We fumble for our euros, well, at least Gill does, as I spent all mine..... haha whoops.
Evidently however, she took too long as he then added

'3 euros'

She handed over two 2 euro coins, which he then handed to an apparently random lady behind him?!

We then sat there for a while whilst they filled out 'forms', when Gill plucked up-

'Um, so, is there um, any change?'

'No Gill', I answered preemptively, I don't think there's going to be any change, as they shrugged their shoulders and moved on....

Haha, the comedy value.

The same guys also ran past us again later on saying hurriedly
'You very pretty ladies!'

We laughed A LOT. :)

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