Wednesday 24 August 2011

Last post! Tourist throngs and lilos

I am home!!!  But obviously I couldn't leave you all hanging for my last post could I, knowing the trip wasn't finished!  haha.  I flatter myself.  :)

I'll take us back a few days and tell y'all about our time in Dubrovnik, Croatia, and Kotor, Montenegro.

Dubrovnik, Croatia

First things first, Dubrovnik is expensive!  It was by far the most expensive place we stayed in on our entire trip.  I suppose it didn't help that we booked it the day before, but still....
Despite the fact that we paid more than our wallets felt comfortable with, we were rather chuffed with the view from our apartment.  Yep, that's it below.... :)


Whilst inside the Old City itself, we viewed an amusing spectacle.  In spite of all the beautiful and interesting buildings that the Old City boasts, the draw of a simple brick in a wall overcame any other attraction.  We found queues of people crowded around this brick sticking out of a wall, each person waiting in line to have their shot at running up and seeing if they too could balance on the ledge without falling off, some even performing tricks such as removing their shirt and putting it back on again.  And here I am even writing a post about it, instead of about the actual interesting stuff.... doh!

Here is the view of the magnificent city walls at night.

Given that you probably have already gathered that I have a slight penchant for curious foodstuffs, here is the routine photo of the last weird thing we ate; pear shaped yellow tomatoes!

I was also lucky enough to catch on camera the acrobatics of one young diver just outside the city walls on video:

Island fun

On our second day in Dubrovnik, we were reunited with our American friend Dara, and made for a day trip to the island of Lokrum for some peace and quiet from the tourist throngs.  (Dubrovnik proper was heaving like no other city we had been to, it even gave Prague a run for its money).

Whilst on the island we came across.... the nudist beach! Aaaannnd steered well clear.  Sorry, it makes for a less interesting blog I know! haha.
The Adriatic coast lived up to its reputation that's for sure.  Below right is the view of the coast on the island.

Now earlier on in the morning in an attempt to save time, I had gone to the supermarket unsupervised- and come back with a lilo.... doh! haha.  We had fun with it frolicking about in a natural pool on the island, whilst also just generally cooling down from the heat of the day.  Below is us utisiling the lilo to aid our attempts to climb the rope, although I didn't get very far!  Later on we plucked up the courage to also jump off the rock to our right, scary!

Kotor, Montenegro (last stop! sniff!)

   An ambitious early morning start had us scaling the heights of the fortress where we had a tremendous view of the bay.  In this picture you can just about see Gill and our friend Ruchelle in the window of the wall..... Below are Gill and I standing triumphantly at the top!

This is an example of the charm of the old city in Kotor- I just loved the yellow umbrellas, although I was not exactly sure if they were for shade or rain? Either way, it looked good!
The city walls with the moat - one of the few cities still with one!

This cat cracked me up because it looked a little like
Dr Evil's fluffy cat.... It also had a pretty killer look in its eye! As it was such a poser, I just couldn't help but get a shot of it on its perch....  (Ignore this if you are not a cat fan!).

The last beach

This is the beach that us and a group of friends from the hostel went to.  Pebbles and not sand, but nevertheless the perfect cool temperature, with clear waters.  On our first night we ventured out at night for a night time swim which was exciting!  The following day we played all day with the lilo, the inflatable ball (another accidental purchase of mine) and sun bathed.  Below is a picture of me and our Kiwi friend Paul jumping off the jetty (it may have taken several attempts to get this right!)

On our last day of our trip we went out with a bang, and splashed out on our hostel's own 'Big Montenegro Tour'- taxiing us around must see sites of Montenegro all in one day.  Below right is a monastery far up in a mountainside.  It was ironic to us that the monks had clearly gone out of their way to be separate from the rest of society by building their monastery at the top of a mountain, only to be followed up there by tourists hordes like us!  Ooops.  

Below left is our tour group (from left Vanessa, Lucy, Gabi, Fairlie, me and Gill - a mix of British and Aussies).  This photo was taken in front of a famous mausoleum again built on top of a mountain.  What spectacular views, those Montenegrins really did like to get away from it all though!


Last but not least, to end my blog posts for this trip, I thought I would treat you all with the video that I never actually managed to upload previously of the Ukrainian dancers in Varna, Bulgaria.  I finally managed to upload it, so please watch it because they are awesome!  Thanks for reading about my adventures travelling, I hope you enjoyed it.  :)


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